You Have Changed

Has the way you define “success” changed with you?

Karla Parra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readMar 27, 2021


I no longer define “success” as the money I make. Now it’s about joy and contentment.

A friend once shared that her definition of “success” was to be content. I was confused. Why settle for contentment? At the time, I was focused on my next promotion at work. “Success” revolved around my career, from the promotions I attained, to the money I made, to how busy I was. To be busy, even overwhelmed, meant that I was on my way to be…



Karla Parra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write, speak, and coach on leadership, inclusion, nomadic living, and mental fitness from my 84 sq ft. camper. Proudly Mexican/American.